You may have heard the quip, “The best time to buy a home is always five years ago,” and there’s actually some truth to it, in that hindsight is 20/20.
While we can’t time travel back to when homes were less expensive, we can certainly look ahead to how our needs will change in the future, and invest in tomorrow’s housing requirements today.
Are you starting to feel the squeeze in your starter home? You may have purchased it just to get a foot in the market, but now, with the pitter-patter of more feet in the home, it may be time to look for a larger space.
On the other side of the spectrum are homeowners whose once-full nest has finally emptied. Is now the right time to talk about downsizing?
Perhaps your home’s layout no longer works for you. If your home requires major renovations to accommodate changing health or mobility issues, for example, you’ll need to consider not only the time, effort and stress involved in the renovations, but also the financial implications. Would you be spending more to modify your place than you would have spent to move to a more appropriate home?
What is it about your current home that you love? The neighbourhood and its amenities? The physical layout of the home? The proximity to friends and family? There are so many factors involved in a decision to move, but if the home itself is simply too small, too big, or isn’t allowing you the lifestyle you require, you may want to hear if there’s a more ideal option to consider.
Let’s take the time now, before the busy spring market bursts onto the scene, to talk through your specific situation and make sure you have all the information you need to decide on which direction makes the most sense for you.